July 9, 2010

Sunny, Clear, Cold & Still

Well the experts are saying that the southwest flow over northern New Zealand is expected to tend southeast late Friday, and should persist for the remainder of the weekend. Which translates to me as sunny, clear, cold and still with a chance of a reasonable south east swell on Sunday (fingers crossed).

Soooooo, I have booked in a big paddle in the morning from Taka, followed by a painting job at home for the rest of the day (gotta take advantage of the sun when it’s out!) and a tentative downwind on Sunday, but I guess we will have to wait and see.

July 6, 2010

Grey Old Auckland Day

Well, I got it wrong..... But, seven brave paddlers embraced the winter weather on Sunday; in 23 knot easterly winds and mild drizzle, with an outgoind tide, Tim, Simon, Rob, Mark, Dave, John and Pierre paddled from Glendowie to RAYC (initially paddling east then turning with the wind to enjoy some very good waves home.)

Good on you guys for getting amongst it! Unfortunately the weather was too heavy for my gang down at Taka, which was a blow as pre training txts were pointing towards a record winter turn out - but don't be disheartened team; we will be back in the game on August 1st.

I love the photo of John Land above. a grey, windy old day, bouncing around in the chop in front of Browns Island - it is such a quintessential Auckland downwind run - thanks Pierre