September 25, 2010
Sunday Training is On!!!
September 23, 2010
The Weather Bomb
It does however look like the wind and showers are going to pick up again over night.
Wind warning in force for Hauraki Gulf, and the area from Bream Head to Cape Colville. A strong, disturbed westerly flow affects the area. A weak ridge should move onto the area late Sunday, moving away to the east Monday with the flow tending northeast.
FRIDAY: Northwest 15 knots rising to 20 knots gusting 30 knots this afternoon. Slight sea becoming moderate this afternoon. Fair visibility and a few showers.
SATURDAY: Northwest 20 knots gusting 30 knots easing to 15 knots in the afternoon. Moderate sea becoming slight in the afternoon. Fair visibility, isolated showers clearing in the afternoon.
SUNDAY: Northwest 15 knots. Long fine spells, cloudy later.
High tide Saturday Sept 25th 0830, 3.0m
high tide Sunday Sept 26th 1007, 3.0m
The Norwesters mean that I reckon the best runs in Auckland this weekend will be from places like Te Atatu and Island Bay back to RAYC, St Heliers or I guess Takapuna if you are based on the shore. Take a note of those tides, it you wanna fly back I would jump on the water just after it turns and enjoy the speed, but if you wanna try and work on your surf skills and you feel comfortable in the winds predicted, then jump on before it turns and enjoy that chop created when the wind opposes the tide.
At this stage it looks like the weather will hold up well for our usual Sunday session down at Takapuna. I am racing out at Waitamata on Sunday morning so I will get an accurate gage on the conditions early in the day. If the conditions are looking to challenging I will have to cancel the session, but I will post that here before 1300. But at this stage it is still all go for 4pm at Taka. If you want to double check don’t hesitate to txt or phone me on 021 932 116
Enjoy the weekend team, but remember, be safe.